Manage conference room bookings in HR Panorama

With the ability to book a room in our HR ecosystem, you don't need to use additional software. You save money, and it's easier to share information because all the data stays in one tool.


Transparent booking schedule

In HR Panorama you will find a dedicated calendar for assigning rooms available in the company. Every employee has access to it, which means that all employees can easily check if a room is occupied by someone else.

For companies with multiple locations, dividing rooms by building will be a huge organizational convenience. You can assign a separate calendar to each building of your company. If you want, you can restrict the ability to book rooms only for employees from a particular building.

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automatic transmission of reservations

Easy and quick room booking process

Enter basic information about the desired room, such as room number, date and time of the meeting, to make a reservation. Once you book a room in HR Panorama, the system will automatically send the relevant information where it needs to go. For example, to the room supervisor, that is, the person responsible for managing the room in the office.

You can make a reservation on multiple devices. From your business computer, to the app on your phone, to the kiosks in each room - if your company has one.


Integration with company events

Our HR ecosystem combines multiple modules that work together. This gives users access to a full set of company information, making collaboration and communication easier.

The company calendar includes all company events. When an employee books a room for a meeting saved in the calendar, the room information will be added to the event automatically.

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Integration with Google and Outlook calendars

Do you maintain a separate calendar for booking rooms in Google Workspace or Microsoft Outlook? Connect our platform to the calendar of your choice. This will make the information about booked office rooms go to the right place automatically.

You can also completely replace Google or Outlook schedules with the corporate calendar available in HR Panorama. Of course, nothing prevents the two calendars from interacting with each other.


Possibility to connect devices

Companies that have equipped their rooms with kiosks can link them to HR Panorama. If they do this, each reservation made in our platform will be visible on the corresponding device. This also works the other way around. An "on the spot" reservation using a kiosk will be saved in HR Panorama immediately.

In addition to booking, syncing with HR Panorama gives you the ability to view the room schedule on your device. Employees don't even have to log into our software to see if the room is occupied during the hours they plan to conduct or attend a meeting.

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A broad set of information

In addition to data such as room name and number, office managers can enter details of each room available for rent for a meeting.

Room size, location, equipment - these are just some of the elements that, if completed, will make it easier for employees to book rooms that meet the requirements of upcoming meetings.

feedback from employees

Evaluating and providing feedback on rooms

After each meeting, employees can leave comments on the condition of a room. In this way, office managers can easily collect information about the equipment, cleanliness of the room or other factors that affect the comfort of the room on a daily basis.

Feedback left after a meeting is by name. This means that those in charge of the room know who to contact to discuss the feedback if they have any concerns.
